I needed new coasters. For guests, ya know? We had these amazing cork trivets from IKEA, but the kids sort of took to throwing them around like frisbees and/or taking bites out of them. So my requirements for new coasters…
Author: gillylin
When I found out my sister-in-law was (about to be) engaged, I spotted a certain cherry rayon at the store and really couldn’t help myself. I’m a sucker for cherries: eating them, wearing them or otherwise. And I don’t wear…
A year after I stepped foot into garment sewing, I attempted (spoiler alert if you haven’t already read the title of this blog: I also succeeded) to sew a collar. My previous experience sewing collars had been fraught with tears,…
Dreaming of the wide open sea, imagining myself sitting down to eat in the dining hall, sipping a glass of Riesling I decided to make the Olivia blouse pattern by Atelier Jupe. I needed a “dining room” experience dress for…
These shorts. The perfect blend of practicality and feeling pretty. Everything I want to do in them, I can. I can go for a walk, jump up and down, sit cross legged, ride a horse? Go out for dinner, go…
Clothing really does determine what you do. When I wear my rayon challis culottes, I watch what type of surface I sit on. When I wear heeled shoes, I say no to going on a long walk, or any type…
Surprisingly, I wear this sweater vest upwards of 4 times a week! All to the chagrin of my husband who really doesn’t jibe with it, or understand why I do. Honestly, I can’t really explain why I love the Basic…
I’m a bit of an ambivert. I love sewing garments, and I nearly equally love sewing quilts. There are a few beautiful quilted jacket patterns (and makes) out there, such as the Parchment Jacket by Closet Core or the Tamarack…
The Allover Florals project was inspired by a few things: This was my first make using this pattern. I made size 8 **** of the just passed the knee version. I used the pattern, as is, with no other hacks…
Taking chances can sometimes pay off in a simply beautiful find. The Alabaster Top available by membership to Closet Core Crew, is a good example. The asymmetry startled me at first. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s beautiful, but…